Saturday 27 July 2013

House of Anubis 30 Day challenge

Day 3. Favourite season

(I'm doing Day 3 and Day 4 today as my Internet has been down and i missed the last 2 days.)

 Season 2!!!

I love season 1 as it the start of everything and i love how Fabina is the really awkward but cute couple. I love season 3 as Eddie is in Sibuna and i love Robert and all the cute Peddie and Jeroy moments. 
However Season 2 is definitely my favourite i love every episode i think the plot was super mysterious and the danger in the tunnel not knowing what to expect i also loved Rufus ans Senkhara, and all the kids are working together none of then are evil (sinners) i could re watch that season again and again and i have 3 times. I love all the Fabina moments and the start of Peddie also i love the Amfie friendship throughout, there are great couple but there such cute friends as well. Finally i just absolutely adore the final episode were all the Anubis residents come together at exactly the same time  in the library to beat Rufus and the adults i think its great! (Also i love when Victor says "Harming the children was never part of the plan" it shows deep down he really cares for the children.)

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