Saturday 27 July 2013

Blogger Challenge

31 Days

(Doing Day 3 and 4 because my Internet was down for two days)

Day 3. Your top 3 favourite quotes

I love this quote its simple but effective and every time i see it i smile.

I love this quote because it makes me realise how much we take for granted, no matter what we think is going badly in our lives there is always one or more good things in our life, so next time your upset stop and think life is pretty amazing most of the time and you will get through the bad times.

Finally i also love this quote as i think its really important to not dwell on what others think of you and learn to love yourself and not spend your time trying to impress others. As long as your happy with yourself and have confidence then if others don't like you well who cares you shouldn't wake up every day trying to impress them..

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