Thursday 25 July 2013

Blogger Challenge



Random questions but this could be fun.


31 Days


 (Sorry i don't have a picture for this challenge but i couldn't find one i just have the questions listed on word, but i guess it makes the waiting for each day more fun!....)


Day 2. 10 Facts about Me 

1. I have blond hair and green eyes.

2. I have one dog named Lucky.

3. I have one brother named Nathan.

4. The most important people to me are my Friends and Family.

5. I really want to travel the world, I've been to a lot of places but my dream is to travel the world.

6. I'm obsessed with House of Anubis and Peddie.

7. I'm obsessed with technology and my hair I'm always on my phone and ipod and brushing my hair and i never let anyone touch either of them, which may seem antisocial or rude but my friends are used to it.

8. I'm forgive really easily which sometimes could be a bad thing but i don't seem to be able to help it.

9. I cant whistle which makes me really sad.

10. I love giving out advice and trying to help people even though sometimes I'm a blunt and say the wrong thing but i always mean well :)

Jess x

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