Wednesday 31 July 2013

Blogger Challenge

31 Days

Day 7. Are you a left or right handed


House of Anubis 30 Day challenge

Day 7. Favourite Amber quote(s)
I love so many of Amber's quotes there all amazing so i've chosen pretty much all of them.

"I know! How about we do a story about a young girl who loses her parents in mysterious circumstances when they steal some treasure from an Egyptian pyramid. And then the girl was taught by a weird guardian in a big old house! But then the guardian tries to steal the treasure! And then the girl has to try to stop him. And then she gets help from some friends from the future. And they find the treasure. And the girl is really happy. And the friends are very rich. And they all live happily ever after. The end!" -Amber Millington! 
(No Pic for this one)
“What? A girl can’t sit on her friend’s knee anymore?" - No pic for this one either :(



Tuesday 30 July 2013

Blogger Challenge

31 Days

Day 6. Somewhere you would like to move.


I go there every year with my family for 2 weeks and i really would like to live there one day.

House of Anubis 30 Day challenge

Day 6. I ship
PEDDIE, Fabina, Jeroy, Amfie, Walfie, Jara, Mabian, Kabian, Jabian, Mickber, Mickara. i mentioned this in day 4 but I literally ship like everyone together i think that all the romantic couples have the pros and cons.
 Except from Patricia and Eddie they belong together and can't be with anyone else.



Monday 29 July 2013

Blogger Challenge

31 Days

Day 5.  Top 3 things on your bucket list

1. Travel the world
2. Fall in love so my heart takes over my head
3. Skydive

House of Anubis 30 Day challenge

Day 5. Favourite bad guy
I have to say Rufus Zeno (Rene Zeldman) I think he's amazing although i thought Senkhara was great and also i don't really consider Victor as a bad guy because i don't think he ever meant to harm the children but Senkhara and Rufus did, also i loved Robert in season 3 because he was slightly crazy and his chanting was great but it wasn't the real him so i feel like like i can't count him.
Overall Rufus was great he kidnapped like half the cast he seemed to be actually mental and would do whatever it takes to get whatever he wanted and no matter how many timed they beat or almost killed him he just kept coming back (apart from when he actually died at the end of season 2)  he was crazy but great.